
Tilcara is a destination you won’t want to miss. Located in the northwestern province of Jujuy, Tilcara offers stunning scenery and plenty of things to do.

From historical monuments to outdoor activities, there is something for everyone. The first stop on the itinerary should be Cerro Sapo, where you can see the ancient ruins with prehistoric artwork.

After exploring and learning a bit, outdoor enthusiasts can rappel down the canyon or hike the scenic North Trail to the Huacalera Waterfall.

The picturesque town of Tilcara also has traditional delicacies such as empanadas and humita that you won’t want to miss. No matter what your interests are behind your travels – history, culinary delights or active experiences – Tilcara has it all!

2. Hotel Tulmas

The best luxury hotels in Tilcara

The best luxury hotels in Tilcara Oh, Tilcara, that hidden charm in the heart of the Quebrada de Humahuaca in Jujuy, Argentina. Who hasn’t dreamed